Former Rideshare driver returns to court over rape and sexual assault allegations

A former ride share driver who had been accused of committing multiple acts of both sexual assault and rape returned to court on Friday.

Nicolas Morales, a resident of Canyon Country, was arrested on Feb. 23, 2019, after there was suspicion of him committing several acts of rape and other sex offenses against passengers. According to county prosecutors, Morales is believed to have posed as a rideshare driver and would pick up and attack female passengers by using a knife to force them into committing sexual acts.

Following his arrest, the 48-year-old was charged with 28 criminal counts which included: 9 counts of forcible oral copulation, 6 counts of rape, 5 counts of sodomy by use of force, 4 counts of forcible sexual penetration by a foreign object, and 1 count of each assult with the intent to commit a felony,attempted sodomy by use of force as well as attempted kidnapping to commit another crime.

Morales was scheduled to return to court on June 29 for the continuation of his pretrial.

During his pretrial, the parties involved established a timeline for all the pretrial activities like setting a trial date, encouraging case settlements, as well as the counsel trying to agree on facts that have been undisputed or points of law.

According to the Los Angeles County Sherrif’s Department booking logs, Morales is currently being held at the Men’s Central Jail on a $10.35 million dollar bail.

He continues to remain in custody at the time of this post.


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