According to woman, Uber driver allegedly threatened to kick her out of the car because she didn’t say ‘hi’

According to American sports broadcaster and host of WWE’s The Bump, Kayla Braxton, has made a claim that her Uber driver threatened to kick her out of the car, just because she did not say “hi.”

On October 28th, Braxton took to her official Twitter account to write about her experience with the Uber driver. She wrote,

“Hey, @Uber – just had the rudest driver who told me she was gonna make me get out of her car because I didn’t say hi when I got into her car Mind you – she didn’t say hi either,” the caption to Braxton’s twitter post said and included a photo of the back of the driver’s head.
Photo of the back of Kayla Braxton’s Uber driver who allegedly threatened to kick her out of the car for not saying “hi” to her.

Twitter users took to the comments of her post with both different emotions.

Some people believed that it was wrong of Braxton to upload a photo of the driver. One twitter user wrote, “This is an extreme overreaction. Why post a photo of her? What’s the end game here? You’re going to use your platform to try to get her terminated… over that?” Another added, “You have no clue what it’s like to be a driver. We get drug addicts, criminals, disrespectful people. We have zero protection. For you to come on here on say this when we don’t know her side of it is so rude and disrespectful.”

Some comments were negative but Braxton urged her followers in another tweet to not attack the driver’s appearance. She wrote, “That has nothing to do with this. I quite like her hair. But her attitude is [pile of poo emoji].”

Some people believe that Braxton was in the wrong and they thought that she and the driver both were at fault for not greeting one another when she got in the car. A third person had added into the conversation, “I haven’t slept in 48+ hours thanks to PTSD. Same when I got back from Europe. I still managed a ‘hello’ as an acknowledgement to the driver. Plus you’re posting an identifying pic. Bad move on BOTH you and the driver.” Another comment said, “I mean me personally, I would’ve said Hi as soon as I got in. Cause technically speaking, they have to verify that’s it’s you who getting into the car. But y’all both was wrong.”

However, some still believe that Braxton is not in the wrong for expressing her feelings online when she is a paying customer. One comment said, “As a passenger, you’re paying for said service and therefore you have reasonable freedom over how your experience of that service works out. If you don’t want to greet your driver (and have made that clear with “quiet” settings), you shouldn’t be then berated for it.”


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